Family Law Blog
Can A Custodial Parent Move Out of State after a Divorce in California?
Parental Alienation
Getting Divorced Without Your Spouse’s Signature or Consent
Can you still get divorced if you cannot locate your spouse?
Is Spousal Support Tax Deductible?
Grandparent and Step-parent Visitation
How much control do spouses have over their divorce agreement?
Lost Parenting Time Over the Holidays
In The Best Interests of The Pets and Possession Control
Exclusive Use and Occupancy of a Residence
Child Custody Battles: When Can Children Testify?
Factors that go into a Child Support calculator
Rising Inflation and Impacts on Divorce Filings
Two Types of Child Custody
Is An Inheritance Subject to Distribution Under California's Community Property Laws?
Covid and Increases in Divorces
New Texas Law may Make Child Custody Easier
Financial Counseling Pre Marriage
Co-Parenting for Divorced Families
Parenting Courses and Divorce, Family Law